The Global Leaders in Humanitarian Service
From Memphis to Mountain City, the Lions of Tennessee are over 4,000 members strong. For over 100 years, we have been serving those in need.
District Governor Benny Maggart
Alejandro (Alex) Martinez, from Lafayette, Tennessee, USA was elected to serve
as district governor of Lions Clubs District 12-S at the associations 106 th International
Convention, held in Melbourne, Australia, June 21through 25, 2024.
District Governor Alex is a current member of the Lafayette Lions Club. He
became a member in 2017 and has held numerous positions throughout the club and
district. These positions include: Club Vice President, Club President, Club Chairman,
District Disaster Relief Chair, District Zone Chair, Guiding Lion, and District Tail Twister
to name a few.
In recognition of his service he has been awarded numerous club, district and
international service awards. He also is a Melvin Jones Fellow with Lions International.
District Governor Alex is employed by Macon County Board of Education, where
he works at the local high school. Distict Governor Alex serves in the organziation with
Lion Tashena and their son Cub Jaxon. They love to serve in the organization together
and the family all have Melvin Jones Fellows.